It's a Tuesday, and that can only mean one thing, celebrations in Gateway Transition.
Well done to our writers, mathematicians and Readers of the week.
And an additional well done to out amazing readers who have been awarded their bronze reading awards. Super job.
WWII homework is a blast!
In Gateway Transition, take-away homework never fails to amaze us. We have had so much to celebrate over the past few weeks from: cakes to poppies, from Anderson shelters to Blitz art.
Well done to everyone who has made something for us to enjoy.
This week learners in Miss Cornell's class have written some fantastic World War II diary entries based on the text 'Friend or Foe' by Michael Morpurgo. These diary entries are from the point of view of David, the main character from the story who has been evacuated from London and sent to Exeter to live in the countryside. The children used the text to highlight key pieces of information, to help them really understand the character, enabling them to write a true reflection of David's experience.
This week Mill Mills, Miss Heppell and Mrs Watson's classes have been set some long division and long multiplication homework.
We know this is a tricky area for some of our children (and maybe a few parents) so here are some video links to support the work we have sent home.
Please remember on a Tuesday Lunchtime we offer a Homework support club, so if your child is struggling, this is a great way to get some additional support.
Clara has been doing her own version of 'Bake off' and has made a yummy egg less cake, Anna has made a fantastic Victory poster and Mae critqued and drew a marvellous war time bombing scene!
Well done girls! Keep up the hard work!
More wonderful Wartime homework to follow tomorrow.
Miss Cornell's class have been focussed on strengthening their mental arithmetic this week. Learners have been using different methods to help them solve different calculations quickly and we are developing speed. Once activities are completed, learners have been encouraged to use calculators to check their own answers, using a purple pen to tick or self correct. This is really helping to develop reasoning skills and provides instant feedback.
As the children enjoyed reading chapter one so much yesterday, today they read chapter two, answering some comprehension questions while looking for evidence in the text.
In Literacy, they used their collection of evidence to draft a diary entry through the eyes of the character David. They worked hard to combine key information from the text and some key SPAG features, within their own pieces of writing.
Mrs Taylor and Miss Cornell are so pleased with our fantastic year 5 mathematicians, they have been working so hard to achieve bronze, silver and gold awards.
BLING Your Bike! Thursday 1st December Although it is cold and wet, it is still important to keep healthy and active. The Bike it crew and Officers are asking for your support next week. We want as many children as possible to bike or scoot to school as part of our target of reducing traffic and becoming more active - even 1 day helps! Decorate your bike in anyway you like - you decide! Remember, bikes and scooters should be put in the bike shelters, ideally securely locked. We will be having some special guests from Sustrans to judge the best blinged bike and give out some prizes! Look forward to seeing some amazing decorated bikes. Mr Coelho
Learners in Miss Cornell's class have been enjoying reading Friend or Foe written by Michael Morpurgo. As this book is set in bombed London, it has linked well with our World War Two topic. Today, learners were asked to look for key information which explained how the main character 'David' was feeling during evacuation. They used ideas from the book to help them plan a diary entry that they will write later this week.